Deep Cleaning Beauty Blenders and Brushes

Monday, October 23, 2017

If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you may know I am a skin care junkie, I love trying out new products (which reminds me I do have a new skin care routine that I’m tempted to upload). However, the key to good skin isn’t just simply moisturising your skin every night (I know my skin isn’t incredible but it’s getting heaps better). Other factors that may not be thought to be as important as routines should be taken into account when looking after your skin. Simple things like changing your pillow case at least once a week, not touching your face and washing your hands before doing your makeup.
Another not so obvious tip to clear skin is making sure that anything that touches your skin is clean, this including makeup appliances; beauty blenders and makeup brushes. What you apply your makeup with can quite literally make or break your skin. It’s often overlooked just how much bacteria can build up on beauty blenders and makeup brushes. If you think about it, you’re getting makeup in/on them near enough every day, of course there is going to be some kind of build up unless you thoroughly wash them after every single use.
I for one, always forget to wash my brushes, then complain about how bad my skin is. However, I’m making a pact with myself to clean my brushes at least once a week depending on how much I use them. I’ve started not wearing makeup a lot of the time, partially because, who has time for makeup when you could spend extra time in bed? I’d prefer the extra hour in bed.
Cleaning makeup brushes and beauty blenders can easily be forgotten. It seems like such a tedious job, especially when it comes to deep cleaning them. As well as expensive, there are so many solutions that deep clean your BB and makeup brushes, but cost an arm and a leg to buy. So I thought I’d put together few tips to deep cleaning your BB and makeup brushes inexpensively.


1.       Shampoo/Shower gel
I’m sure you’ve seen tons of advertisements for specific Beauty Blender and makeup brush solutions for cleaning them. You don’t need them. Simply grab some shampoo to clean your brushes or even hand wash to clean your beauty blender. It’s as simple as that. As long as you have warm water and shampoo or shower gel you’re set to go. I’ve seen tons of posts about using washing up liquid but it’s something I wouldn’t recommend. Washing up liquid contains chemicals to break down oils, sure that’d be good to clean makeup, but if there’s any traces left on your brushes or BB and that is then touching your skin, it can be really harsh on your skin, causing you to break out or have some kind of irritation. So, try sticking to solutions you’d already use on your skin as they’re made using ingredients less likely to irritate your skin.
2.       Technique
When cleaning your brushes, you want to make sure you have a bumpy surface in order to get deep inside the brush. The cheapest way to do this is by laying your hand flat, palm up and running your brush in a circle on the bumps of your fingers. This way, the surface is rigid and the brush is getting cleaned deeper. I used to do this but wanted to cleanse the brushes even better so I ordered a SiliconeCleaning Glove. This is basically something you put on your fingers and use as a scrubber to clean the brushes against. I definitely recommend getting one as it works so much better than your hand and is a lot quicker. It’s also very inexpensive at only £1.45 – that is for a small one which is perfect for eye brushes and works fine for face brushes. For deep cleaning your brushes, the technique used is essential to ensure that you get all the old makeup out of the brush that could potential transfer more bacteria onto your skin. Along with this, don’t be too rough with your brush when washing it. Being rough will cause the brush to shed and the hairs to fall out, leaving you with not much of a brush left.
3.       Position
When cleaning your brushes, it is important to hold them downwards. Holding them downwards will prevent water from running down the brush and into where the glue attaches the head to where you hold the brush. When water gets in there it can make your brushes break as the glue gets wet and no longer sticks. Therefore, just keep the head of the brush pointing downwards.
4.       Conditioner
Normally after washing my brushes, they feel a bit dense and rough. Obviously, I don’t want them to be rough as I will be using them on my skin and my skin can become irritated and sensitive quickly. To avoid this, I’ll simply go in with the same technique straight after shampoo but using conditioner. This will soften the bristles, as it would soften your hair after a wash.
5.       Drying your brushes
After washing your brushes, it can take quite some time to dry them. It is usually good to clean them at night as they will more than likely be dry by the morning. After you’ve washed the brushes, pat them on a piece of tissue to get rid of any excess water. This will help them dry faster and lessen the chances of you using a damp brush the next day. Along with this, to dry your brushes, grab a towel and roll it up so that half of it is rolled up and half of it flat. Prop the brushes up so again, the head of the brush is downwards, with the bristles on the flat part of the towel. This will allow the water to drip down and the brushes to dry quicker than if you immediately put them back into a brush holder.

So there you have it, a few tips to cleaning your makeup brushes and beauty blenders. It really is that simple and inexpensive yet has a huge impact on your skin care.
Hope you enjoyed reading! If you have any recommendations or tips you’d like to share, comment below!


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