My Skin Care | Product Reviews

Sunday, January 03, 2016

As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog post, I’ve always struggled with my skin. I’ve struggled with realising what my skin type is, what works best for me/how to deal with my skin. And, I always used to struggle with actually keeping up with my skin routine, most nights I’d just want to go straight to bed and sleep lol (I imagine I’m not the only one).
But as I have got older, I’ve realised the importance of looking after my skin as well as realising what suites my skin best. Everyone’s skin is different and it takes a lot of trial and error to figure out what does work best for you. For me, I have combination skin. My skin is soooo oily and no matter how much powder I use or what lighting I’m in, my skin (t zone especially) looks oily! This is something I feel insecure about because people haven’t failed to point it out and I feel like I just look sweaty, even if I’ve been doing absolutely nothing. Most of the time though, I’m not to bothered and I’m slowly getting over this…
As well as this, my skin is also very dry! This can be really frustrating when I’m wearing makeup and the dryness becomes more obvious. My skin definitely isn’t as dry as it is oily though which isn’t too bad. I also feel like the dryness is more manageable than oiliness, with oily skin I just glow like a damn disco ball.
Years ago, I didn’t even realise combination skin was possible. But after learning about it in hair & beauty at school as well as researching it more, I finally understood that this is my skin type. I found it pretty difficult to find products that would help me with oily and dry skin at the same time. I have used sooo many products that have made my skin even worse which made me feel even worse, but then I used products which worked incredibly and made me feel like Beyoncé.
FINALLY, I have a skin routine that I use 6 nights of the week and works like an absolute dream. In no way do I have flawless skin, I mean, I’m a teenage girl who loves junk food – my skin isn’t going to legit be looking like Beyoncé’s anytime soon, let’s be real.
Although I’m not looking like Beyoncé, I do believe that this is the routine that allows me to keep my skin healthy and in check! If anyone else has combination skin (or even if you don’t), certain products below may be just what you’re looking for!
I’m going to list the products in the order that I use them, although I don’t use them ALL in the same night. The title of each product review is the link to the product!
Coconut Oil is literally heaven sent. I don’t even know what my life was before I introduced this to my hair + skin routine (I have yet to cook with it). No but really, this helps my skin so much! Even though my skins oily already, it helps to moisturise my skin which means I don’t always have to moisturise after. The brown sugar in the scrub exfoliates my skin as well. After using this, I found that my old exfoliating face washes (although they were good) they left my skin dry and rough afterwards. So because my skin is also dry, this really helps with keeping it hydrated and healthy. If you want to try out this Coconut Oil Face Scrub, click here to read my DIY blogpost on how to make it yourself! The only slight down fall to this scrub is that because it’s an oil, it can sometimes feel like it hasn’t rinsed off properly so you have to scrub a little with a wash cloth when rinsing it off. Other than that it’s amazing!
THIS. IS. AMAZING. Ok so, this is the first lush product I’ve ever tried. Lush isn’t the cheapest (it’s not too expensive, it just isn’t the cheapest), especially for someone who has always been hesitant on trying expensive skin products in case they don’t work. But I decided to treat myself on a recent trip into Nottingham. I’d watched a couple reviews on this mask and thought I’d try it because why not?! I bought the 125g pot for £5.75. When I first applied it, I realised you don’t need to use a lot at all and a little of this product goes a long way! I left it on for about 15 minutes, the longer it’s on, the tighter it gets on your face. I found this hilarious because I first scared my brother when he saw me with it on (it’s actually a nice light green colour, I did jump out at him haha) then we were in tears when I was laughing but my face wasn’t moving, I was smiling and making laughing noises but my face was still as a brick lmao. It was really nice taking it off because it doesn’t just crack off, you rinse it off with warm water and can rub it with your fingertips. Even after I’d taken it off, I noticed my skin looked clearer. The next day was when I really noticed the difference, my skin was literally glowing! I didn’t expect it to work as well as it did but it’s definitely one of my favourite products now. I’m for sure going to purchase more whenever I run out and I’m going to buy some moisturiser or some other products in general!
I also only use this product 3-4 times a week or when I feel like my skin is really breaking out. I put it on when I had about 346947 spots on my face and they’ve all gone down so much in the last couple days.
This is another product I only recently bought but it’s worked really well whenever I’ve used it! The first time I used this it made my skin really soft afterwards as well as getting rid of black heads along my nose. The second time I used this, I only put along my nose and under my eyes/top of my cheeks. I have to wear glasses whenever I’m reading or looking at a screen (so majority of the time) and my glasses give me really bad spots along where they sit on my face. This is really frustrating because I now have permanent marks there and I break out a lot even when I clean my glasses. So I think I’m going to stick with using this mask only along my nose/where my glasses sit as I believe it works best in those places.
This cleansing lotion is extremely good for cleansing your skin. I only recently got into using cleansers and I didn’t even have a clue what they were beforehand. But since I’ve started using them, my skin genuinely feels cleaner. I use this before I go to bed and it makes my skin feel so refreshed, I love it!
I have such a love hate relationship when it comes to using moisturisers. Whether it be on my body, on my face or on my hands. I hate the feeling of being greasy after I’ve used a moisturiser which is supposed to make me feel good! This moisturiser is so refreshing and really doesn’t stay greasy on my face, it actually absorbs into the skin rather than sitting on top of my skin. Also, because it is oil free, it doesn’t make my skin feel really oily like a lot of moisturisers tend to do.
I don’t use E45 Cream very often or as an everyday thing. I usually only use it when I have really painful spots or really dry skin. I feel like using this when my skin is extra sensitive is better than using my everyday moisturiser because it’s stronger but not too harsh on my skin. I also like using Sudocrem when my skin is really sensitive because it helps repair/heal the skin and helps my spots to go down. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream can be used to soothe and heal whilst protecting the affected area from further infection.
I first used this the other day and have since only used it once so far. I wasn’t really too sure what to think of it when I applied it to my face. I think I used too much in all honesty because it just sat on my face rather than being absorbed into the skin, I admit I used a lot because it is a solid formula and I didn’t think it would work much. But it does melt to body temperature, so when applied to your skin it does apply easily. I also applied it to my arms/elbows because they tend to get really dry and it worked really well. It did work well on my face after I wiped a bit off and it made my skin feel so soft as well as smelling amazing! I do really like Palmers products so I will definitely try this again but use less product.

Well that’s it for my skin routine! All of the products used are drugstore and available in most supermarkets (ASDA, Tesco etc.), they’re also all pretty affordable. As I said before I don’t really go for the most expensive products just in case they don’t work.
I do suffer from acne scars from when my skin was extremely bad as well as when I pick spots ugh! I haven’t yet found a product to help get rid of acne scars or help them fade, so let me know down below or tweet me of any products or home remedies that work for you!
Also comment down below or tweet me any of your favourite skin products, I’d love to check them out and try some new products!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Blog posts may be delayed for the next few weeks as I have a lot of coursework due to be handed in as well as a training week for my new job! I will try and update as much as possible but they may not be as consistent/every few days :( Oh well, I am going to post at least once a week!
Thank you for reading!

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  1. I love reading about other peoples skin care routines, Mines kind of none existent right now. Well done with keeping up with it though, thats something I've always struggle with xxx

    1. Me too! It's fascinating reading about how people look after their skin/what works best for them. Your skin looks really pretty! Thank you, I know what you mean. Some days I really can't be bothered to go through it all and would rather go straight to bed haha! xxx

  2. i love the LUSH products for skincare, mostly because they're all natural but the packaging is so cool and it always smells amazing- great post :)

    I'd love it if you could check out my blog:


    1. Ah me too! I mean they're already amazing but the fact that they're all natural makes it even better! Thanks so much! Of course i'll check it out :) xx


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