NEW! Garnier Super-Hydrating Antioxidant Moisturiser

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts (big up), you’ll know that I am obsessed with skin care and trying out new products.
At the start of the year I started a skin treatment prescribed by my doctor called Duac Gel – this has helped immensely with redness and stupid teenage spots I get. I went months only getting one or two spots a week, if that. My complexion evened out and my skin was clearer than it’s ever been.
However, since summer recently started I’ve been working a lot more which involves being around hot grills and generally in a hot environment, along with being out in the sun more, it’s bought out a lot more spots and congestion within my skin.
My skin is still fairly clear, texture’s nice and complexion is even, however I’ve had to put in a little extra work to clear up congestion than I had earlier on in the year.
I’ve also always been someone who preached about drying out spots, whether it be with drying lotion or tea tree oil – that was always my go too treatment for breakouts.
But recently, I’ve noticed my skin has been ridiculously dry which is weird because my skin is also really, really, really oily. This was kind of a foreign territory and I was stuck with how to care for my skin in a way that wasn’t my usual skin care routine. After talking to my mum, I came to the realisation I really wasn’t hydrating my skin (hence the dryness) – with the Duac Gel you’re advised to not use oil on your skin which I used to religiously use every night, so my skin wasn’t getting as much oil and vitamins as it used to.
The last few months, my favourite face masks have been the Garnier Sheet Masks – they make my skin feel so soft and glowy afterwards, I couldn’t recommend them enough.
They recently came out with a Moisture Bomb Moisturiser, for £8 I was excited to try it out due to how insane the sheet masks are. The sheet masks are usually £3 and so buying the moisturiser definitely seemed worth the money if it was going to do any job similar to what the masks do.
This is a ‘Super Hydrating Antioxidant Moisturiser with SPF10’ and ‘Rehydrates intensely for 24 hours, reduces the appearance of fine lines, has antioxidant & UVA/UVB protection’.

The moisturiser contains Antioxidant Pomegranate and AMLA Extracts, 7% plant serum for dehydrated skin and recharges the skin with hydration and helps protect it from external aggressions.
And this, is where the review comes in…
When first trying this product, I used way too much than the pea sized amount that was advised. Which proved to be the wrong move when the moisturiser left a white cast over my face. I’m not used to using moisturisers with SPF and so didn’t even realise this would happen. However, it wasn’t too bad as after massaging it into my skin, the white/grey cast went away a little and wasn’t as obvious.
The moisturiser isn’t extremely heavy but it isn’t the lightest moisturiser I’ve ever used. It’s somewhere in the middle, the more you use the heavier and greasier you will tend to look. But if you use a pea sized amount it will give you that healthy, hydrated glow – especially if you’re using it in the day.
I’m always worried about looking too greasy due to my oily skin, but this seems to have controlled my oily t zone due to keeping my skin hydrated, it isn’t producing masses of oil.
The day after using this oil for the first time, I noticed a huge difference in my skin. It felt insanely better and not as dry as it has been for the past few weeks. It looked healthier and not as dull and grey, especially having been in the sun so much, my complexion looked a lot more even. The texture was softer and smoother and the redness around my pores had toned down.
I can also really tell if a product is good when I use makeup. The way my makeup applies and stays on my face really tells me whether or not my skin is doing good or bad. With this moisturiser making the texture of my skin smoother, makeup feels way better to apply.
Before and After with Makeup:

You can see the difference in the texture of my skin and how well the makeup has applied.
Before and After without Makeup:

And here, although I still have acne scars and a couple spots, you can see the difference in my skin tone and the evenness.
Now I find a lot of the time, using a new moisturiser for the first time, it always seems good or better than what I’ve previously been using.
So I’ve been using this moisturiser for about a week now, day and night as well as my new Mario Badescu Glycolic Cleanser and the difference in my skin is amazing. Not only have my spots decreased in size, I haven’t been getting as many and my skin as a whole looks much healthier and glowy without looking too oily and greasy.
Obviously my skin isn't perfect and I'm not a dermatologist, just here to talk about what works for my skin and products I think are good.
All in all, I definitely recommend this moisturiser if your skin is dry and dehydrated, it will have you ready to be bare faced and glowy all summer.
If you have any other products you recommend for dehydrated skin, let me know!
Thanks for reading!

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