Secret Santa ft. My Friends

Saturday, December 26, 2015

With Christmas having only just passed, I thought (and I’m pretty sure my friends suggested it) that I would do a post on the ‘Secret Santa’ my friends and I did. It was kind of Secret Santa with a twist; because there are 4 of us (Molly, Jade, Grace and I), we thought we’d all pitch in and buy one another a funny present and a serious present. This was seriously the best idea, even though we’ve only known each other for a few months (a part from Grace and I who have been friends since primary, 12 years strong holla), because we’ve started getting to know each other for about 4 months, we all know what we like, what we don’t like etc. Which is why, everyone’s presents turned out to be amazing for each other!

For Molly, we got her a Mac Demarco vinyl that she had no idea we were getting her but we had known she really wanted it. This was the first present anyone opened and I swear, tears were almost shed it was such a cute happy moment lol. The funny present we got her was a ‘Grow Your Own Boyfriend’, this was hilarious because we always joke about wanting boyfriend (even though we’re strong, independent women who don’t need no man). It was hilarious hinting to Molly what we got her because we convinced her we’d bought her a rude present that she couldn’t open in front of anyone hahah.
For Grace, we bought her this really cute adult colouring book that helps with relaxation and chill time, which we really hope she enjoys and colours some absolute masterpieces to send in the group chat lol. We’d also got her these HUGE elf slippers which were sooo funny but soo cute! You can see in the photos just how big they are, she said they were really comfy though which is obviously a good thing lol. We were planning on getting her the children elf slippers but me being the idiot I am, went to get them when they’d sold out and instead had to get the men’s slippers lmao (Grace still really liked the present thank God haha). So, to make up for my little ‘mistake’ I got this cute little friendship bracelet kit as part of her funny present. It was funny because we all ended up making the friendship bracelets and now we have a symbol of our friendship to wear upon our wrists lmao <3 no but seriously they look like really cute 90’s friendship bracelets, I love it!
For Jade we got her a reaaaally pretty makeup bag set which was black and had a floral print. Jade’s makeup always looks insanely good, even when she says she did it in like 10 minutes, she looks amazing! So that was a really good present idea for her along with the funny present which was a lavender candle with photos of her that Molly printed out and stuck on. Jade’s known for going to insane candle parties so this was the perfect idea for our candle party loving friend hahah. She was like “People are gonna think I’m so weird if they see I have a candle with my face all over it.” Which is hilarious because now everyone who reads this is going to know :) love u girl, you’re welcome xx

As for my present, as you obviously know, I really enjoy blogging and one day I hope to become a journalist. Whether it be writing a blog, writing for a magazine, as of now, anything of the sort. So my friends bought me a beautiful journal, handmade from India. It’s blue and gold and seriously, I’m in love with it. They said I can write all my blog ideas in it which is so adorable, I wanted to cry it was the sweetest things. Especially considering I was so nervous to start this blog and having my friends stand by me and even have my blog as an app on their phone’s is the best thing (shout out to my friends, u da best). And then came my funny present… I seriously can’t even write about what it is without risking being known as a stalker. It’s absolutely hilarious and I WISH I could just tell everyone how funny it is but I can’t without it being risky as hell hahaha. They’re probably reading this and laughing. I hate them (jk).

After exchanging gifts, we watched films (Bratz and The Holiday), ate shit loads of popcorn and made friendship bracelets together. If that doesn’t scream coolest/no.1/best friendship group, I don’t even know what does hahah.
This has definitely been one of the best Christmas’ thanks to my friends and family. I couldn’t ask for better people to have around me!
Anyways, that’s it for this post and I hope you enjoyed reading about how my friends and I celebrated Christmas Eve Eve together haha. Maybe this can inspire you with ideas on what you and your friends can do next Christmas (even though it’s 364 days away lol) or even just for celebrating anything.
Let me know in the comments or tweet me some of your favourite gifts this Christmas, or your favourite ways to spend Christmas with your family!
Thanks again for reading!

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