DIY: Coconut Oil Face Scrub

Monday, December 21, 2015

As I’ve gotten older (I’m only 16 so through my teen years, around 13-16) I’ve really started realising how important it is to look after my skin. I’ve come to recognise my skin type, how my skin is throughout different seasons and the right and wrong things I have done to my skin.

For instance, when I started secondary school, my mum started letting me wear makeup. My first foundation was Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse, even now I absolutely LOVE Maybelline and most of the makeup I use is Maybelline. But back then, I didn’t watch beauty gurus, my mum didn’t wear makeup and so I didn’t really have a clue on how to apply it ‘properly’. I say properly because I spent most of my year 7 days with an orange foundation line along my jaw and orange stains on my blue school shirt (I swear my mum had to bleach some of them to get the stains out!!!). I use the word orange because even now, I find it difficult finding foundation my skin tone that isn’t too orange or too yellow, and I’ve had experiences of resembling a bag of wotsits when it comes to some foundations.

The amount of foundation I used to wear was insane and ultimately, caused me to have really bad skin (that along with hormones, growing up, stress etc.). Even to this day, I still have acne scars on my face which don’t make me feel the best and I’m still trying to find a treatment that will actually get rid of them…

I have however, over the years, come accustomed to my skin and what helps me out the most when it comes to skin care. Face washes that are for ‘Stress Spots’ usually work really really well for me, Neutrogena and Garnier have been my favourite skin care products for a long time. I don’t wear as much makeup at all now because that’s what helps my skin, don’t get me wrong I love wearing makeup and how it makes me feel but I’m still not the best at applying it and my skin is very sensitive to certain products; So I tend to only wear it when I go out or special occasions, not so much every day for college, or I stick to the minimum of foundation, powder and contour.

Anyway, back to what the blog post is about…

I have THE perfect face scrub for anyone who has similar skin to mine (and anyone else most likely). This face scrub will make your face feel as soft as a babies’ bottom, no lie! I’ve tried a lot of face washes/scrubs and never come across one that is as good as this! Even better, it has TWO ingredients and you can make it at home!!

I know Coconut Oil can be pretty expensive in some places but I got this tub for around £4.99 in Home Bargains (anyone in the UK will know which store I mean)!

So, read on to find out how to make your own Coconut Oil Face Scrub and have silky, soft, skin in no time!



3 tbsp. Coconut Oil

1 ½ tbsp. Brown Sugar

You will need:

A small bowl

Table spoon



A small container

Step One: Take your small bowl and put 3 tablespoons of coconut oil into it. You may need to use the teaspoon to scrape the excess coconut oil off the tablespoon.

Step Two: Add 1 ½ tablespoons of brown sugar into the bowl along with the brown sugar.

Step Three: Mix the coconut oil and brown sugar together with a fork. I find it easier to use a fork as it mixes better and the coconut oil doesn’t stick it as much as it would if it was a spoon. You may find little lumps of coconut oil or little lumps of sugar in the mix, this is absolutely fine and you can leave it, or carry on mixing till they mostly all go. Either way the face scrub will set whenever you’re not using it and tends to turn into more of a liquid when warm (when you’ve put it in your hands about to apply to your face).

There you have it! Your very own Coconut Oil Face Scrub with two ingredients and three steps!

When you have applied the face scrub, you can leave it on for a few minutes in order for the coconut oil to bring up any dirt out of your pores. When washing it off, it may help to use a wash cloth due to the fact coconut oil is an oil and may leave your skin feeling like you still have it on if it isn’t washed off properly. Simply use a washcloth when rinsing your face off and you’ll be fine! Also, when drying your face, pat it with a towel, do not scrub really hard as this will be rough on your skin and can irritate it a little.

Facts about why this face scrub is amazing:
Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and healthy acids such as caprylic, capric, lauric and mystiric acid. These three acids have strong disinfectant and antimicrobial properties, as a result of applying coconut oil to your skin, it protects from microbial infections that could enter the body through your pores. It helps to smooth, soften and lubricate your skin cells and helps to break down the dead cells. It also heals acne and will hydrate your skin!

Due to the brown sugar being the grainy ingredient in this face scrub, you will successfully scrape off excess dead skin and clean out whatever substances have blocked the pores without leaving the skin feeling irritates.

Using this face scrub regularly will hydrate and condition your skin, giving you a healthy, glowing look!

And there you have it, an incredible Coconut Oil Face Scrub! This has honestly been SO good for my skin and I hope it helps out any of you who try it/anyone who has had problems with their skin!

Let me know in the comments or tweet me if you try it and if it has helped you! Also feel free to talk to me about any skin care that works really well for you or anything to get rid of acne scars!

Thanks again for reading!



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