The Christmas Tag

Saturday, December 05, 2015

I’ve been contemplating for a while what I want my first blog post to be about. I didn’t know whether to make it something about me, a little like an introduction; but at the same time I’m eager to get straight into writing posts that people will enjoy. In the end, it was between a post on how to make dairy free hot chocolate (sneak peek to what my next post will be) or a Christmas tag!

As you can probably tell I chose to do the Christmas tag. This way, you can get to know a little more about me while keeping the Christmas spirit alive for a first post! So without me blabbering on anymore, let’s get into the Christmas tag…

1. Do you like to stay in PJ’s or do you dress up for Christmas?
I usually stay in my PJ’s as my family and I don’t go out anywhere on Christmas. Despite that, I still find myself getting into a pair of leggings, or my cosy Christmas PJ’s (£6 from Asda!!) and a nice warm hoody. That way, I don’t feel too lazy staying in my PJ’s but I still feel fresh and chilled out.

2. Do you open presents on Christmas eve or Christmas morning?
I’ve always opened all my presents on Christmas morning. I’m sure when I was younger there were times when I begged my parents to let me open a present early but they never caved in haha. I remember in 2012, I got an iPhone 4S for Christmas, my dad bought it round to my mums on Christmas eve and I had to suffer listening to it vibrate while my brother kept ringing it (my dad set it up for me and put the number in his phone as well as giving it to my mum and brother)! I found it funny though and was too excited to be annoyed at him hahah.

3. Have you ever built a gingerbread house?
No, sadly not :( but it is definitely something I want to do!

4. What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
Honestly, the last few years have been jam packed with exams around Christmas so I usually just sleep, eat, revise and do more sleeping!!! But I do find time to go down to the Christmas market in Nottingham, it’s absolutely beautiful and makes me feel all warm inside seeing all the Christmas lights and decorations. My favourite stalls are probably the fudge stall and all the handmade jewellery people sell.

5. What’s your favourite Christmas meal or treat?
Christmas dinner is my ultimate favourite meal! Mostly to do with the fact that my mum makes THE best roast/Christmas dinner EVER!!! Along with that, I do love Lindor chocolates, it seems to be that I only really have them at Christmas time. So to me, they’re one of my favourite Christmas treats.

6. What’s your favourite holiday/Christmas movie?
I love ‘Annie Clause is coming to town’ and ‘Elf’ is an all-time favourite. I feel like I don’t really watch many Christmas films, I wish I did though. Comment some of your favourite Christmas films and I’ll check them out!

7. Do you like candy canes or gingerbread men?
Hmmm probably gingerbread men! I like both but candy canes are reaaaaally sweet while gingerbread men are more towards savoury which I like best between the two.

8. Have you ever made a snowman?
Um YES!! I absolutely love snow and being out in it, then going back inside after and snuggling up with a hot chocolate! I honestly can’t even count how many snowmen I’ve made in my life.

9. What do you like better, Christmas eve or Christmas day?
I like Christmas eve better, mostly due to the fact that I love the excitement and preparation for Christmas day. Rushing to find last minute gifts through all the busy crowds in Nottingham, all that fun stuff.

10. Colourful lights or white lights?
Definitely white/gold lights. Colourful lights are cute but they sometimes seem too busy almost. I love the simplicity of white/gold lights.

11. Do you want it to snow this Christmas?
YES!! I LOVE SNOW! Especially when it snows in the Christmas holidays so I don’t have to have snow balls thrown at my face by school kids or slip over in front of everybody, this usually happens every year! Not good. Living in England where it snows usually every Christmas/winter is one of the best and worst things – the snow is great duh, but the aftermath of the snow… not so great. Ice and slush is definitely the worst things about snow.

12. Would you rather give or receive presents?
I would definitely rather give presents. Although I like receiving presents, the feeling of giving people presents and seeing that it made them happy is something that is really beautiful. I always love when I can buy my friends or family somethings they’ve wanted, deserved or something that reminds me of them! I am pretty good at choosing presents for people, if I do say so myself hahah.

Well that's all for my first blog post! I hope you've enjoyed learning a little bit more about myself and look forward to my next blog post!
I'm not too sure when I'm going to be uploading new posts, maybe 2 or 3 times a week? Let me know what you think in the comments below!
Thanks for reading!

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