Top 10 iPhone Apps

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

I have had such a history with phones. I still remember having my first ever pink, flip phone and thinking I was the coolest person ever!
I’m also really into buying cute phone cases. Seriously, I absolutely love getting new phone cases. Yet at the same time, I love not having a case on my phone. Weird.
The case shown above is an amazing design by Polly Vadasz (Twitter). I got this phone case well over a year ago now, when I got paid for the first time from my first ever job. I remember wanting one of her phone cases for sooo long but not being able to get one, then when I finally had my own money I could! As I said before, I love not having a phone case on my phone but this Cross Stitch Case literally fits my phone SO well, it barely feels like a case is there which is what I love. It’s definitely the phone case I can keep on my phone for the longest lengths of time haha. I definitely recommend checking out Polly’s online store (Sighh) and treating yourself or a friend to some amazing, gorgeous products. I know I’m definitely going to buy more when I start my new job and have some money haha.
Anyway, back to my favourite apps (is it just me or has anyone else noticed I always digress and ramble on about other stuff lol).
I don’t actually have a lot on my phone because the storage is dreadful haha, but these are some of my favourite apps & apps I use on a day to day basis.
1 | Twitter
I use twitter every single day, I’ve had it since 2011 (different accounts lol) and it’s one of my favourite social medias. Not only is it my favourite app because I can keep up to date with my favourite celebrities and hilarious vine accounts – I also made so many friends on there from all over Europe + the world – literally! Sephora from Belgium, Anna (Annasus) from Germany, Ness from France & Mer from Spain are some of the best people I’ve ever known – we met through our mutual love for JB and Anna accidentally adding us all to a group chat haha. I’m rambling again ugh! So yeah, twitter is one of my all-time favourite apps and I’m always on there so if you ever need to talk, rant or just need someone message or tweet me anytime!
2 | Tumblr
Tumblr is definitely one of my other favourite social media sites. I feel like everything is so much more chill on Tumblr compared to twitter haha. I've had Tumblr for just as long as twitter but I feel like I'm on twitter more because I actually write tweets whereas on Tumblr I don't post much. I also made some pretty cool friends on Tumblr which is another reason I like it a lot. I mostly like it just because it's Tumblr, cute puppies, aesthetics and funny gifs on my dashboard - what's not to like?!
3 | Instagram
I also reaaaaally love Instagram. Mostly because it's just for photos and it's almost like a photo diary filled with your bomb ass selfies and photos of your food. No but really - I do love the fact it's only for photos and a way for you to stalk your crush. Lol just kidding (I'm not) (I am lol). I love the update that allows you to post photos that aren't square but they still show up as square on your profile. I mean, I have a huge head so I could never take square selfies because 3/4 of the photo was just of my head uGh! I was always one of those people who used a white border, I ended up deleting all of my 'squaready' edited photos and entered the life normal photos. Thank God...
4 | YouTube
Not gonna lie, I definitely spend most of my life on YouTube watching Vlogs, Beauty Gurus, Lifestyle Vloggers, Kehlani Tour Vlogs and Jeremy Kyle videos... I'm genuinely not lying, somehow I always end up watching Jeremy Kyle episodes about why someone's boyfriend is having a baby with there mum or something jeez. I absolutely love YouTube and discovering new YouTubers, then spending even more of my life on there lol.
5 | Snapchat
My love for Snapchat comes from sending my friends ugly selfies and them sending ugly selfies back - with a couple relevant screenshots here and there. I also love fact that more and more celebrities (Kehlani & JB & Hailey B - my favourites) are using Snapchat so now I can not only look on their Instagram's and be jealous of them but i can also look on their Snapchat's and be even more jealous haha. My fear of Snapchat comes from all 63282 second long stories and the ugly photos my friends have screenshot of me or taken of me lol.
6 | SoundCloud
I LOVE SoundCloud for music. This is how I first heard Kehlani and absolutely fell in love with her. The thing I love most about this app is the fact that people who aren't necessarily famous can post their own tracks. I also love Dounia's music and love that it's easily accessible on SoundCloud - especially because i'm from the UK and a lot of artists/people in the US don't release music in the UK the same time as in the US (usually if it's on iTunes) so I love that I can listen to her music along with many others.
7 | Netflix
Of course, I love Netflix and again, spend 97% of my life on here. although, I'm one of those people who start watching something, don't finish it then start something new. I seriously hate that lmao, yet I still do it. I wish they'd update Netflix with more shows - I feel like the American Netflix have so many more shows than the UK Netflix. My favourite show on Netflix is definitely Orange Is The New Black! I also really enjoy watching some of the anime on there like Attack on Titan and Tokyo Ghoul - they're SO good!
8 | VSCO
This is the app I use to edit my photos - whether they're photos for my blog or selfies, this app is so good! It's got a lot of warm toned filters which I particularly like and you can crop and edit mostly anything on your photo. I definitely recommend this as a free photo editor. I'm pretty sure you can buy more filters but there's not much need due to the fact that the free filters are really good.
9 | Shots
I use shots to take selfies. The camera is SO much better than my iPhone camera because it doesn't flip the photo around whereas my iPhone camera does. Also, it's Justin Bieber's app - of course I love it haha. No but really, shots allows you to post photos and like other people photos but you can't comment on their photos. I like this as it eliminates any rude, mean people that may comment on your photos on apps such as Instagram. It also means there isn't loads of spam filling your feed! You can take front camera photos or front camera photos as well as being able to adjust the lighting, add filters or anything. It honestly is a really good app!
10 | Bloglovin
I only recently started using this and getting used to it when I started my blog around a month ago. I honestly wasn't too sure what it was at first and I'm still not 100% sure on how to use it but I'm slowly getting there haha. Bloglovin allows you to follow your favourite blogs and save posts which means there easy to get to. You can also share any posts on there and share blog posts from her for instance, onto Bloglovin. There is such a wide variety of bloggers on Bloglovin, I love just scrolling through them! It saves a lot of time due to the fact that you can scroll through many different blogs in one place apposed to only being on one blog at a time - but I do like only being on one blog at a time sometimes haha.
Well that's it for this blog post - this was really random and I've never even thought of doing a post like it until tonight haha.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know in the comments below any of your favourite apps or what you think of any other apps! Also, don't hesitate to let me know of any posts you'd like to see from me - I'd love to hear any suggestions!
Thanks for reading!

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