Positive Vibes pt.2 | Aspirations

Saturday, January 09, 2016

My dad has always been someone I’ve looked up to. He’s had his struggles but he’s always shown that you can get through them and better yourself and your life. I feel like this is really something most teenagers need in the fact they’re growing up, discovering themselves, who they are, what they want which are all part of their aspirations. I mean, all my family inspire me and are people I look up to on a daily basis, but this post is based off a recent trip my dad went on. (I obviously won’t go into mad detail about him but you’ll catch my drift haha).
My dad recently went on a trip to Amsterdam for a long weekend kind of. He works so hard and he definitely deserved this trip as a kind of relief from work and everything. He goes away a couple of times a year on his own, whether it’s visiting friends in different countries (he literally knows people EVERYWHERE because he’s worked all over the place himself). Whenever he goes away, I ask him to take photos of the places so I can see where he visited and what it’s like. Obviously he takes photos anyway, but I always make sure he sends me them haha.
Anyway, it always gets me thinking. I want to do that when I’m older. I want to be in the position where, I’m in a job where I’m happy but can still go away every so often and explore different places. I’ve only ever been on a real abroad holiday once to Tunisia in 2011 – it was beautiful!
I’ve always been someone who likes experiencing new things. For instance, going to college on my own without any of my close friends at the time, meeting new people and even knowing that I want to go to a university that’s in London. In this case, I’ve always known deep down that I want to travel and experience new, different countries.
In terms of going to different countries, I’m not that fond of hot weather. I mean, I like it and I’m down for catching a few rays but obviously, I’m not exactly in a position where I tend to look too pale so I’m not someone who sees it necessary to tan if you get me haha? I still don’t mind a deeper tan though, a glowing look? Hell yes! But anyway, I tend to feel uncomfortable and sweaty in really hot weather, especially because I have oily skin, I just look 1000x shinier!
What I really like, are cold countries that require me to dress in oversized jumpers and some cute ankle boots (obviously not only those two items of clothing hahah). I also love going to places where I can learn about the history and see old towns, I find it really interesting!
As well as this, now that I have a job, I’m SO determined to save money for things I need and want to do such as a camera, driving lessons and saving up for travelling.
My friends (Molly, Jade and Grace) and I have planned a 2017 trip to Amsterdam. It kind formed after I looked at the photos my dad took on his trip and the fact that I’m now obsessed, as well as the fact Molly’s been before and will be our very own tour guide hahah. This is something that I don’t want to just be an idea, I’m really hoping that it actually happens and in 2017 we can look back on this blog post as we sit on the plane to Amsterdam! We’re all excited for it already and we’ve only just entered 2016!!!
As well as this, along the lines of aspirations, I would absolutely LOVE to go to university in London and study journalism! As you may know from my blog, I literally write on and on forever because I absolutely love writing! My writing too much has been something that numerous teachers have complained about but whatever, on here I can write however much I want haha. But seriously, in London I feel like I’d be able to go so much further with journalism because that’s where journalism is kind of prominent/based. I’ve looked into UAL and South Bank UNI specifically and I definitely want to apply to both of those!
If you have any info on university or I can talk to you about it, PLEASE message me on twitter or something because I’m basically clueless about it apart from some parts you know.
But anyway…
I feel like it’s good to set yourself goals and aspirations. I know this will be more difficult for some, I have definitely found it difficult in the past but I’ve entered 2016 with good people and a positive mind set which has allowed me to think a lot about what I want to strive for.
Aspirations and goals can be however you want them, whether they be to drink more water every day or to travel somewhere at least once a year. Even setting yourself goals to finish your homework on time!
Setting yourself goals and having aspirations often means that when you’ve done said goal, you will feel happy and positive within yourself. You’ll feel like YOU have achieved something. It isn’t about other people it’s about you and setting goals for yourself, which can end up helping you become happy with yourself and allow you to strive for more things because you know you can do it. I’ve found it hard to do things in the past. I can feel so unmotivated and low sometimes and it takes a lot for me to get back onto my feet. But I know I can do it. Even if it’s small, mediocre things. I have started believing in myself more which I leading to better things happening for me and allowing me to do bigger and better things.
This isn’t any scientifically proven way to help you, it’s simply from my own experience and I hope that this can help anyone out there who is struggling and needs a bit of help finding my way. I’m no councillor or specialist but I am seriously always here for anyone if they ever need to talk or rant, message me and I will listen and be there for anything (unless you’re like some serial killer lmao).
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
Let me know in the comments below or tweet me, any of your aspirations or goals that you like to set yourself or any you’re going to set yourself after reading this!
Thanks for reading!

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