A day with the girls | 7-02-16

Monday, February 08, 2016

 Finally got to go out and use my new camera to it's fullest potential haha. This day was actually one of the best I've had in a while. Being surrounded by good people and positive energy makes me feel so good and blessed with everything, as cheesy as it sounds, I really couldn't ask for better people in my life. Even the simplest things like going out with friends for the day is one of my favourite things. Making new memories to look back on and smile/laugh about is the best.
I hope you like these photos and I look forward to taking more photos to post!
Thanks for reading! (Or looking and then reading in this case lol)

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  1. Great photography, what camera did you use? x

    1. Thank you! The camera I use is the Canon EOS M :) X


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