January Favourites | 2016

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Once again after what feels like FOREVER I'm finally posting... I've wanted to do a "favourites" video for a while now but I'd prefer doing one every month so it's at least something I can build up throughout the month you know?!
So, this is my first monthly favourites video, the first month of January 2016 - AND THE FIRST BLOG POST I GOT TO USE MY NEW CAMERA!!! I finally ordered a camera (after a lot of thinking and goodbye to any money I had to my name) (just kidding) and I absolutely love it. The quality is amazing and it feels so so good to know that I worked hard for it and was able to actually buy something I've wanted for so long.
Anyway, let's get started on my January favourites...
(These are in no order by the way, or categories - they're literally just in the order I noted them down haha)

Maybelline | 24 Hour Stay Concealer
As I mentioned in my Everyday Makeup blog post, I only bought this concealer a few weeks ago and so far I am loving it! It's a little lighter than my skin tone so it looks a little weird in the lighting I have at my desk when I first apply it, but in normal day time lighting it looks completely fine. I usually wear this rather than applying a full face of foundation everyday - which is something else I love about it. The fact that it still looks fine and blends well without foundation being applied also. For a less pricey, drug store concealer this product definitely does the job for me and I love it!

Journal This is the journal that my friends bought me for Christmas. I absolutely adore the design on the front, every little detail - even down to the texture of the pages, I love! I've been using this (and my planner) a lot more this past month to note down things like what blog posts I want to do, what I have planned for that week, what I want to save up for - pretty much anything. For me, personally, it's really important for me to note things like this down because I tend to forget or get paranoid that I will forget lol. So yeah, this journals been something I have used a lot this month!

Mask of Magnaminty
I wrote about this in my Skin Care Routine but thought I'd also give it a mention here as its been really really handy. I recently started a new job and have been getting home later which means I don't have time for my usual 282618 hour night time routine. But I didn't want to just stop my skin care. So I started using Mask of Magnaminty along my nose, cheeks and chin (the areas I'm most prone to getting spots). I only kept it on for 5-10 minutes but it still did an amazing job. It was so quick to use but still kept my skin healthy and cleansed, I love it.
(Wow let's see how many times I can say "love it" in this blog post lol)

Makeup brushes
I recently purchased some new makeup brushes after my real techniques brush started "breaking" - the hairs literally started shedding ugh. I went online and knew I didn't want to spend loads of more brushes, so I looked on Amazon. I know a few people who have bought them on there and said they're really good! Ever since I started using them, my skin/face makeup has looked SO GOOD! I got a pack of 10 kabuki brushes and they're so soft and light, and really really good when applying makeup! If you're looking for some amazing, new brushes that aren't expensive - definitely check out the kabuki brushes on Amazon!

Pure Dusk | New Look Body MistThis has been a favourite of mine for almost a year now, it's such a gorgeous scent, I love it! I've never really bought an expensive perfume (mostly because I haven't had the money to spend on them haha) and I really don't feel the need when I've got this. For Christmas 2015, I got the pack of all the body mists, I kinda prefer the body mists to the perfumes because they're lighter and nicer smelling if that's even possible. The smell obviously isn't that long lasting but for a cheap, gorgeous scent I definitely recommend these!

Lush Snow Fairy
This is by far one of my favourite scents EVER! I absolutely adore the smell of Snow Fairy products from Lush, its a shame they only sell them at Christmas but then again it adds to the excitement of Christmas! This was one of my first Lush products and I can honestly say I will be purchasing SOOO much more stuff! I love the fact that you don't have to use it all in one go and can either break up the bath bombs or just not use it all. This is definitely my go to product when I want a warm, relaxing bath on a chilled out night.


This is an app that I recently discovered on a sponsored post on Instagram. I usually pay no attention to them but the cute Polaroids on the photo caught my eye. The app is a photo printing app that lets you get photo prints, make personalised calendars, photo books - everything like that. It's really not expensive which is what I love because usually a lot of photo printing apps/sites can be pretty expensive. Any ways, I ordered around 6 Polaroids and 5 normal photo prints and they're all soooo cool, I love them. I think it was around £6 something for those 11 photos which I feel is really good! I also think it's cool if you're into Polaroids but can't necessarily afford a Polaroid camera. I'm definitely going to order more and keep adding to my photo collection!
If you want to try this out, use my referal code - PGBBCJN5 - to get £5 towards/off your prints!

Blogger Of The Month | BOTM
I decided I'm going to add this little favourite into all of my monthly favourites from now on. I love discovering new blogs and reading new people's post and I feel like this will really encourage me to read new blogs and make new friends who happen to be bloggers! Sometimes I might just do favourite social media person, not necessarily someone who is a blogger, maybe just someone I feel is being a good influence on Twitter/Tumblr.
My BOTM for January is Kristina Ross from
http://theuglygirlsclub.blogspot.com. I really cannot begin to tell you how much I adore Kristina and her blog. For starters she is such a beautiful person and I love everything she writes about on her blog - especially her posts about mental health. Mental health is something that isn't touched upon often and is a topic that is often brushed to the side as something that isn't serious. It's refreshing to see young bloggers talking about it and their own experiences. I'd wanted to start a blog for a while and when I saw Kristina's I just knew from then on I had to do it! We've spoke a few times on Twitter and I love love love reading her tweets - especially about the first blogger event she was invited to (I felt like a proud lil mum when she tweeted about feeling anxious to go but in the end she did and had a fun time!) I definitely recommend checking out Kristina's beautiful blog!

Well that's all for this blog post, I really enjoy doing favourites posts and I definitely look forward to writing more in the future! (I hope you enjoy reading them because if not that'd be a lil awkward lmao jk)
Let me know in the comments below or tweet me what some of your favourite products have been of January!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. Great post! Love the lush snow fairy myself! and I think I'll be getting those make up brushes- been searching for a new set for a while! :) Great blog - glad I've found it! :)


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