Dusk Pink Spring Makeup Look

Saturday, April 16, 2016

I’m so excited to finally be writing a blog post again. I know, I know, why don’t I just write them when I want? With college and work and focusing on other things in my life (that need focusing on more so) it’s not as easy to ‘just write a blog post’. Especially when I want them to reflect on the time and effort I spend in them, you know?
A lot of the time when I’m not doing anything or have a day off, I find myself half wanting to just chill completely, stay in bed and watch Orange Is the New Black or Broad City re runs all day. But lately, I’ve been really appreciating my spare time more and wanting to be productive. So the other day, I was just chilling and I decided I’d do another makeup look to post on here, maybe something that was a little different. I feel like my past posts about makeup have been sort of neutral and nothing really out there. I mean, this look isn’t really ‘out there’ so much to say but it’s a little something to spice up your look and look quite vibrant yet subtle for a spring time look.
This, like most of the looks I do, are sometimes trial and error. I will just sit at my desk, look in the mirror and think about the type of look I want to do. Whether it’s smoky, neutral or themed – I just kinda go with the flow. Don’t get me wrong though, after doing this look, I will definitely be wearing it more in the Spring/Summer.
This, along with my other makeup looks (shameless self-promo), is insanely cheap and I use two amazing palettes that you can buy in drug stores (I bought mine from Superdrug) or you can order them from their website.
In this look, I am using my Revolution Makeup “Redemption Palette Romantic Smoked” along with the “I Heart Chocolate” palette that is also from Revolution Makeup! If it wasn’t already obvious from my previous blog posts, I am in LOVE with Revolution makeup. The fact that it’s so inexpensive yet such amazing quality, it ticks all boxes in my opinion and I use a few of their products now on a day to day basis. In fact, I do have a certain blog post lined up that will review one of two of their products!
Anyway, read on to find out how I achieved this simple, subtle, dusk pink/red spring look!

For this look, I used the dusk pink colour from the Redemption Palette - Romantic Smoked.

Along with this, I used “What A Way To Go” from the I Heart Chocolate palette.

    First I primed my eyes, I would mention the primer I used but it’s one from an old NYC palette I have and it doesn’t have a name of the primer. It isn’t the best primer but it is the only one I have, so it does its job for now.
After that, I apply the dusk pink colour all over my lid. I feel like this shadow is really buildable and depending on how subtle you want this look to be, it can all depend on how much you use! I didn’t use loads but I used enough to cover the whole lid evenly, showing the gorgeous, dusk pink colour it is!
 I then went in with ‘What A Way to Go’ on the outer corner of my eye.
Rather than blending the colour with the same brush I applied it with, I took my blending brush and blend the colour on the outer corner of my eye and along the crease slightly. I found that blending with the same brush didn’t make it as subtle and bright because What A Way To Go is quite dark and takes away the brightness that I wanted from the look.
 Once all the shadows are on, I just took to blending it out along the crease and just above. Not adding anymore product so that it doesn’t look to overloaded and stays simple. I find it difficult sometimes when blending the shadow out above the crease, trying to make it so there isn’t such a harsh line but not trying to go over with too much product. If you do struggle with this, what I did was slightly ran my foundation brush along under my brow then took to blending again.
After all that blending (jheeeez), I applied my liner using my MUA matte black liner along with my Maybelline LashSensational Mascara.
And that is all for this dusk pink spring look! I find that a lot of spring looks involve really bright colours, so this is just a little something that isn’t too bright yet isn’t too bright and is the perfect look too add to your collection!
Anyway, thank you for reading this post and I hope you enjoyed it!
Let me know in the comments below some of your favourite spring looks OR any looks you’d like me to try out!
Thanks again for reading!

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