Makeup Revolution - All about Bronze Review

Thursday, May 26, 2016

 First of all, I just want to say how sorry I am to anybody who reads my blog posts how sorry I am that I haven’t uploaded for about a month. College has definitely been more demanding for the last few months/weeks due to exams and needing to put my full attention into them. I already wasn’t uploading very regularly and decided instead of posting half arsed posts that weren’t good and not keeping up with my grades because I wasn’t revising enough, I’d just put all my attention into exams and come back to blogging when I could focus on it properly – actually being able to sit at my desk and write.
Which leads me to this point, one more exam to go and then I’m free!!!! (apart from A2 bridging for 2 weeks but let’s not get into that)
This post is going to be a review on the Revolution – All about Bronze palette. I’ve actually had this for a while now, but like I said I haven’t been able to post my review for a long time. So instead I noted down what I thought of it, just some quick notes that would help me write this!

As I’ve said in my previous blog posts, I feel like as the weeks go by I’m getting more and more interested in makeup. Sure I’m not the best at it but I feel like I’ve got a lot better which is making me want to try more products out. And if you’ve read my other blog posts (wow I feel like I’m low key hinting to everyone to check my other blog posts out) I am a HUGE fan of Makeup Revolutions products. Ever since I brought their I Heart Chocolate palette, it’s just been a brand that I know is really good quality and is definitely worth it. So purchasing this Ultra Bronze palette, I knew I was going to love it.
Now having said that, I only actually use 1/8 of the colours in it. I know. Disappointing right. The thing is though, it isn’t anything to do with the formula or the application (that much) it’s because most of the powders in the palette, hardly show up on my skin tone. I have olive toned skin and most of the bronzers in the palette are a light brown/orange tone, which unfortunately for me, doesn’t show up on my skin very well, and if it does, it looks a bit too orange for my liking. It doesn’t look TOO bad on me, it’s just that I prefer a bronzer with grey undertones so that I can contour a little and be done (lol let’s be real, I think we all wish we could just contour and be done). Despite this, I do still have a few positive things to say about the palette and what it’s like.
The formula of these bronzers is amazing. They’re really smooth and creamy opposed to being really powdery and chalky. I find Makeup Revolution are really good in the fact that most of their products I’ve tried or tested are creamy and not very chalky which is something I definitely like about a product.
The product having a good formula and being creamy ultimately means that the application is also pretty good. When applying it to the face, it goes on really smooth and blends amazingly! You can use a light hand to blend it into your skin, rather than having to brush hard and hurting your skin haha. I also think it’s very lightweight and isn’t too heavy on your skin.
What I am most obsessed with in this palette is the highlight! The colour second from the right on the top, I feel like within the whole palette this is definitely the most pigmented colour of them all. The others are really pigmented and good, but this one is just to die for. This is the first highlight I’ve ever actually used (apart from when Jade put her MAC highlight on me and I died wow), up until a couple weeks ago I never had a huge interest in highlight but recently it’s really grown on me. I apply this colour just above my cheek bones. It’s more of a gold shimmer rather than white which I really love as it’s quite subtle on my skin and isn’t entirely noticeable because I only use a small amount – but you can still tell it’s there (I hope that makes any sense at all). I use this highlight on an everyday basis and have had several comments saying it looks good and what it is (not being big headed I’m just trying to get across that people really do notice it even though it’s subtle lmao).
One of the cons I do have with this palette is that I believe the other two highlights, on the end right of both rows, don’t have the best pigment. I don’t know whether mines a faulty palette or it’s supposed to be like this but to even get any of the pigment out, you really have to pack it onto the brush rather than being able to simply put your brush into it like you can with most of the other colours. Both of those highlights are beautiful and I wish I could use them but the times that I’ve tried they haven’t worked well at all. I don’t know whether it’s just me being stupid or the actual product in itself. But when you have packed it onto the brush the colour is beautiful, I just haven’t used it on my face many times, only swatching it on my hand when I’ve applied it with my finger rather than a brush.
Despite the fact that I don’t necessarily use all of the colours in the palette I feel like they will come in handy one day, whether it’s when I’m doing a specific look or realise I actually should be using them haha. Like I said, the formula and application of the bronzers are all really great. At the moment, this isn’t a product I would purchase again but I’d look into buying a Makeup revolution highlight palette or the highlights on their own!
Anyway, thanks for reading this blog post and understanding why I haven’t been active at all for the past month!
Let me know in the comments below of your favourite bronzers or if you’ve tried this palette and what you think of it!
Thanks for reading!

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