Graze Box | First Impression

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

When it comes to healthy eating, I must admit I am one of the fussiest eaters ever. I don't necessarily only eat bad food, I just don't eat enough of the good stuff. Though I am getting better and becoming healthier bit by bit, I still prefer to snack on healthy things like fruit or granola rather than eating a huge healthy meal. Now, I'm not telling anyone to stop eating meals and just snack because that isn't exactly the best way to go about things, it's just what I prefer for myself and my eating habits.
I'm sure most of you have heard of Graze by now, whether it's through TV adverts or YouTubers promoting them - Graze are pretty well known. I've been tempted before to check it out but because I am a fussy eater I never really bothered because I didn't know whether they'd have anything I like. Boy was I wrong!
I recently bought a Teen Vogue magazine and inside were two codes to get a free first Graze Box for you and a friend. Myself and my friend Chelsea decided we'd try it out ourselves and kind of see whether they were good or not.
Firstly when online, you do have to put all your card details in even though you enter the code for the free box. You also subscribe to how many times you want to receive a Graze box, but they make it very clear that you can cancel at any time you'd like! After doing all that, I got the email that my order had been confirmed. I was SO confused because I thought to myself, well wait I've not even told them what I like? What will they put in the box? Will I be able to have it? Until I read further on in the email and they said they'd prepare it the following day. After a HUGE sigh of relief I went back into the site on my Graze account and was able to scroll through all the snacks they do and select either Bin, Try, Like or Love. This enables Graze to know what kind of stuff you like or don't want in the box. You also let them know if you're allergic to anything so that they definitely don't put anything into the box that you're allergic to or can't have. For instance, I can't have dairy so I selected the no dairy option - I did click like or love for some snacks that may contain dairy though as dairy/amount I can have does differ. Although I did read on their FAQ that Graze isn't suitable for people with allergies - "All our food is packed in the same place, so cross-contamination between any of our ingredients is possible. Our snacks may contain traces of gluten, eggs, peanuts, soya, milk, nuts, celery, mustard, fish and sesame."
After going through the process of selecting what I like, love, maybe want to try and don't want - that was it. You can even go back to change your mind on something that you thought you hated and now love for instance. On the Friday, after they'd made the Graze Box up, I got an email saying it would be delivered the following day. This really surprised me and I almost didn't want to get my hopes up. We all know how next day delivery can be sometimes. I was able to have a sneak peek and see what was in the box online but I only glanced over it, I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention so it was a surprise when it got here Saturday morning. The good thing about the delivery is that the variety box I chose was able to fit through the letter box. So the whole kafuffle of having to go down to the post office or going round to a neighbours to get it, wasn't involved. 

I opened it up and was SO happy with what I'd got. I had the Herby bread basket, Jaffa cake flapjack, Cookies & Cream and Graze's popping corn - slightly sweet. I love the fact that there was a mix of sweet and savoury as depending on what mood I'm in a could prefer either.
The snacks are in little, individual, plastic containers which make them easy to take to work or to college/school! The portions are pretty small but they're enough for a little snack to keep you going, they're all healthy as well which is a bonus!
Inside the box there's also a little information booklet that informs you on hints and tips for Graze Boxes!

Herby Bread Basket - I'm a sucker for savoury snacks like this and so this snack was really really nice! It's not bland at all and contains a lot of nice tastes from the herbs!
Cookies & Cream - I was hesitant with this at first because I wasn't sure how they'd manage to make the sun flower seeds work with the other ingredients. But I was so wrong! This is kind of like a mix of savoury and sweet but more on the sweet side. There's a couple white chocolate buttons (only around 4), little biscuits, sunflower seeds and little chocolate squares. It sounds like there's a ton of chocolate but there's a lot of sun flower seeds in there. Overall I really liked this snack!
Jaffa Cake Flapjack - My brother and I both tried this and holy crap we fell in love! It is amazing! It looks like any other flapjack but once you taste it there's a sweet, orange and chocolate taste that's exactly like flapjack. At first I thought, ok I highly doubt it will actually taste like flapjack they're probably just saying that because it taste orangey. I totally underestimated it and it's definitely one of my favourite snacks (even though I've only tried 3 hahah).
I have yet to try the popcorn as that obviously comes in the bag that you have to microwave. But I imagine it's just as good as the other healthy snacks!
So, my first impression of Graze Box is that it's worth the hype and is something I will be purchasing in the future! They're so easy to take along to work or college and saves you time on preparing the snacks yourself - although it would probably be very easy to make healthy trail mix kind of snacks like the Cookies & Cream! It also means you have that healthy option opposed to immediately going for something quick and easy that isn't very healthy.
I do have discount code that people can use in order to get their 1st, 5th and 10th box for free! (You don't have to stay subscribed up until your 10th box, you can easily cancel at any time!)
Even if you only want to try out one box or you're not too sure on whether or not you'll like it, why not use this code and get it for free!
To use the code:
1. Go to
2. Enter the code: N6FDKN4NB
3. Tell them what you like and where you are

I hope you've enjoyed reading my review in Graze Box and that its informed you more on the process of getting a box and what it includes! If anyone decides they want to try it out and order one for themselves, let me know (through Twitter, the comments below or any of my social media) how you got on and what your favourite snacks are!
Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: This is not sponsored and all opinions are my own.

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