
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Back in September when I made a promise to myself to post more on my blog, I clearly had no idea of just how demanding the 2nd year of A levels is. Therefore, I've been up to my eyeballs in work for the last 3 months with no time to breathe... Ok, slight over exaggeration but anyone in the same situation would agree that A2 is very demanding and if I want to get into uni I need to put my all into it. Hence the lack of blog posts for the last 2 months. 
I still haven't written any because in any free time (the little I sometimes have) all I've wanted to do is chill and not be stressing.
I've mentioned before in one of my posts about how focusing on college is the priority in my life for the next several months so blog posts will be a bit here and there; but tonight I've decided to post some photos from the beautiful trip I took to Amsterdam in July. 
Amsterdam is truly one of the most incredible places I've been. I could've happily spent weeks just walking around, getting lost in the depths of the city - but unfortunately I had to come home. I did however manage to capture many of the moments spent there in photos!

This photo does not do the sunset justice one bit, This was right by the train station in the city (Amsterdam Centraal), having it be the Summer holidays, there were people everywhere. Most of them had stopped to just admire the sky, it was so so beautiful in real life.
Amsterdam Centraal

I took this photo so quick and randomly, the aesthetics caused me to freak a little I was so in love. I had to stop and take a photo, even if it did mean losing my dad briefly haha.
There were bakeries and sweet shops everywhere. I could've happily lived on crepes and waffles for 4 days straight (ok I probably couldn't but a girl can dream).

My dad and I grabbed a bite to eat here; let's just say it didn't have the nicest food but it was very pretty to sit in while it rained haha.

It's safe to say I felt like a real little tourist on this trip and probably looked a lot like one as well haha. Some of these photos were taken on my Canon EOS and the others taken on my iPhone 6. Like I said before, the photos honestly do not capture the cities beauty to it's fullest. I definitely recommend as somewhere to go on a short trip with friends or family, the plane journey felt like it was about 10 minutes long and we were in the city by midday.
Once again, sorry for the lack of posts! I hope you enjoyed these photos and this blog post! 
Let me know any places you've been and love or blog posts you'd like to see in the comments below or message me on any of my social media!
Thanks for reading!

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