A Week Away

Monday, December 14, 2015

I took this photograph when I went away with one of my best friends, Beth, during summer 2014. To this day, that trip was one of the best trips I've been on in my life. The whole week away really gave me the chance to almost step out of the 'my little bubble' and experience things I had never experienced before. For instance, Beth is an AMAZING water skier and so her family and I thought it would be a cool idea to see how I was on the skis (baring in mind I have a mega fear of lake's, ponds, the ocean and any large water area!!!!)......
Let's just say, I left the rest of the water skiing down to Beth. I also now have a scar on my right leg from when I was getting back onto the boat after falling into the water several times. Hahah, all jokes aside, and even though I was terrible at it, I can now say I tried water skiing! I may be terrible but I tried it.

By far, this memory is one of the scariest/craziest/most insane/terrifying experiences I have ever had. During our trip, we were staying in a caravan, by a lake (we went to a water sport competition that Beth and her younger brother were a part of). This meant that the car was parked beside the caravan facing the lake. There were some younger kids who had come along with the same ski club, Beth and I were joking around with them when they kept telling us to go home (jokingly... I hope). To add to the fun a bit, we thought we'd go and sit in the car and pretend to go home.
Now, Beth's dads car was one where all you had to do was press a button and it started. Aaaaaand guess who pressed the button? Beth pressed the button. I'm pretty sure she also pulled the handbrake off, which meant the car started going forward. At this point I was only stood half in the car with my feet outside of it, where as Beth was sat in the drivers seat.
THANKFULLY the hedgerow between the lake and the path stopped the car from going into the lake and THANKFULLY no one was hurt. Everyone was beyond shocked and a little scared though, thinking about what could have happened. I mean, looking back on it, it's a funny memory (equally scary) but at the time my heart was racing and I cried a little (I think we all did actually).
Honestly, I can't put into words what I was properly feeling at that time. You can just see from the photo above, the damage to the hedgerow and the size the car was AND how close the lake is to us. Of course, after the emotions died down a little, I had to take a cheeky snap of Beth, simply for memory purposes. I definitely didn't tell my mum about this until I got home as I know for a fact, she would've drove down just to check neither of us had a scratch hahah.

These two photos are photos I took after I saw the swans coming towards us and ran up the hill cause I was a lil scared of them lol. I'm glad they scared me though cause if not, I wouldn't have captured these photos. I think they're so beautiful and reflect on the beauty of the trip for me.
The whole week away, we didn't really have wifi. I know, NO wifi. But honestly, it was SO good. I wasn't constantly checking Twitter or scrolling through Facebook. I was simply living in the moment and enjoying every second of it. We went to a plane museum as well, I actually really like museums, I find them so interesting and nice to be in. Most people there are genuinely interested in what it is, it's fresh to see people so passionate about things they love.
Beth and I have such similar sense of humours, once one of us starts laughing the other can't help but laugh away too. I love friendships like this. Friends who you can just be yourself with and not have any worries when you're with them (I definitely have these moments with Chloe and Beth aaaaall the time when we see each other).
Moments like these are the best and I know they're ones I'll never forget.

This is more of a personal update and a kind of flashback/memory I wanted to share with you. Let me know in the comments below of any memories you have that are some of your favourites or even worse. Or tweet me/tag me in Instagram some photos of your holidays away and memories!

Thank you for reading!


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