Positive Vibes pt.1 || Self-acceptance

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

The last few months for me have been kinda all over the place. Starting college, being in a whole new environment without the comfort of people I was used to being with every single day. To then meeting new people and generally experiencing new things in life. I feel like this links in with self-acceptance and ‘new beginnings’ because the change has almost made me discover part of myself that I held inside. As cheesy and silly as that may sound, the last few months I’ve slowly started taking action and changing myself for the better. Whether that be because of the new environment I’m in and people I’m around or the fact that I’m getting older and slowly discovering myself.
By no means am I 100% self-accepting or confident in myself (probably not even 20% hahah) but I do feel like I’m starting to become more accepting of myself and less worried about what people are thinking about me.
Sure, I still feel anxious when out on my own or even when I’m just sat at college or in public, wondering what people will think of me. Or if they’re really laughing at something on their phone or me. But seriously, what does it even matter? I mean, it’s easier to say you don’t care what people think than it is to actually feel like you’re not bothered by people merely looking at you.
I feel like I’m digressing a little lol. What I’m trying to get at is that self-acceptance starts with realising your self-worth and how important you are.
Part of me still doesn’t feel completely comfortable writing about self-acceptance when I’m not entirely accepting of myself; but another part of me understands the starting points and what it can take to start realising that you matter. And evidentially I want to share that with people in hopes that it will help them, even if it helps you a little, a little still counts and can be the start of something.
Part of self-acceptance is doing what makes you happy.
If you’re doing what makes you happy, who’s in any position to bring you down and ruining that happiness you have? No one. It’s difficult not depending on people to make you happy (or who make you happy), it’s easy to just expect people to be there for you, which is something I have done in the past. I realised I need to be there for myself and do what makes me happy rather than putting so much effort into other people and relying on them.

So, doing what makes you happy…

Something that makes me happy is spending time to myself. After a busy week at college, being able to get home, lay on my bed and know that I don’t have to do anything! (90% of the time I’ll have homework I should be doing but let’s ignore that….)
I usually spend my chill time listening to music, watching endless amounts of YouTube videos (I mean look at all the vloggers doing vlogmas, I need to catch up on about 2493398 videos!!!), reading, going on Tumblr for hours or re-watching Broad City.
After doing all that productive stuff and what not, I like to pamper myself a little. Usually a bubble bath with my INCREDIBLE marshmallow body wash (I’ve never been happier, than when I’m fresh smelling like a cuddly lil marshmallow). Just relaxing in the bath, compared to when I take to quickest showers of my life on school nights cause there’s barely even time with all the homework and revision!
Once I’m done (still smelling like a cuddly lil marshmallow) I like to get into some cosy pyjamas, or just chill clothes and lay on my bed. I might even light a few candles (I have a toasted marshmallow candle it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G). Then I’ll be back to watching YouTube videos (Gracie's videos are my absolute fave), or more than likely reading a book. I’ll usually make a hot chocolate too, something to add to the cosiness of the night.
You might be thinking “um okay that sounds boring as hell” but that idea of me time is my ideal me time. Everyone has different preferences. Yours might be putting makeup on and going out. Someone else’s might be playing football or walking their dog. Obviously my ideal me time isn’t telling you what you should do, it’s simply there to tell people that me time doesn’t have to be excessive or anything like that. It can be the simplest thing or the most extravagant thing. Whatever makes YOU happy.
 (I’m not a doctor or whatever and I’m no professional on what is going to make someone feel better. Just remember these are simply tips from my own experience and how things make me feel!)

This blog post has been a long one and I’ve kinda rambled but I hope you’ve enjoyed it and learn to love yourself a little more!
Let me know in the comments below some things that make you feel happy and good about yourself!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. "I realised I need to be there for myself and do what makes me happy rather than putting so much effort into other people and relying on them." - absolutely love that, it's so true!

    I'm so glad you're getting to a point where you're excepting yourself for what you are and realizing just how important it is to do so. Like you said everyone's different and they enjoy different things, buts that's the beauty of it all - not one person is going to be the exact same and it's perfectly fine.

    Wishing you the best on your journey.. Sending you lots of love and positive vibes!

    Xo Kristina

    1. It means so much to me that you've taken the time to comment this! Being acknowledged for something I'm not 100% comfortable with, like self acceptance, is the best feeling! Thanks so much for this comment. It's really made my day! Sending you love and positive vibes also! X


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