Little Life Update

Friday, January 22, 2016

The fact that I haven't updated for sooo long is really frustrating but I've had a lot going on recently!
Nothing bad, well unless you count endless amounts of course work to do last minute as bad then in this case yes, that is bad. So I've had crap loads of coursework to do blah blah blah, which I did eventually lol.
But as well, I've also started my new job!! I literally can't explain how good it's been so far and how nice everybody is that I work with. I had a training week which meant I missed college, which obviously meant I had LOADS MORE work to catch up on! It's like the amount of coursework I had to do has been never ending. I mean, it's partially my fault for leaving it till last minute but let's ignore that hahah.
No but really, I've seriously had no time to write any posts or write loads that I can just post rather than writing it then posting straight away. I've missed being able to write whenever I feel like it but now that I actually have work and college, I realise I'm going to have to organise myself a lot better lol. Well, as for work, I'm only working a lot because it's a new opening of the restaurant and it's mad busy (but so so amazing)!
So soon, I will probably be doing less hours which means I'll have more time to focus on college as well as writing for my blog!
I was so used to posting frequently, like 2-3 times a week and now I've not posted in so long - I hope people are still interested in reading.
As I said before, I'm going to organise my time a lot more - especially because I can almost feel myself getting really stressed.
If you have any tips for being organised and feeling less stressed while having a lot going on - let me know forreal help a girl out lol.
Anyway, I hope you look forward to my future posts throughout the year ahead! I can't wait to write some more and more!
If you have any blog post ideas you'd like to see, comment below or tweet me - I'd love to hear any ideas!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. Just been reading your posts and you have a lovely blog!! I've just started mine haha. Gave you a follow on bloglovin' xx

    Shelby Louise |

    1. Ah thank you, that means a lot! I've just checked yours out and really like it, definitely following back and keeping up to date ahah xx


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