Sudocrem Skin Care Cream | Product Review

Monday, January 11, 2016

From reading the title of this blog post, I know what you’re probably thinking… Sudocrem? Girl? You know that’s for nappy rash right? And yes, Sudocrem is primarily known for soothing nappy rash, but what a lot of people don’t know is that it is an incredible product to use for your own skin. Whether you’re 2 months old or 22 years old. This product is something I definitely recommend.
Think about it this way… As you may know Sudocrem for being used on baby’s bums, it is obviously going to be a product that is not harmful and works for sensitive skin, otherwise people would not be using it on young children, especially babies. It can be frustrating when people automatically assume that Sudocrem is ONLY used to help nappy rash, which is why I want to help give people more knowledge and information on why Sudocrem is such a good product.
In one of my previous posts (My Skin Care | Product Reviews), I mentioned a lot of the skin care products I use on my skin – I recommend reading it as it has a lot of useful information for skin types similar to mine (combination – dry and oily).
Recently, as in really recently a couple days after the first post, I was kindly contacted by a lovely woman named Miriam from Satellite PR and asked if I wanted to try out Sudocrem Skin Care Cream. Of course I accepted because I already think highly of Sudocrem when it comes to skin care and using a product that is specially made for your face, I was definitely excited to try it out.
First using this product, it looks and feels almost exactly like normal Sudocrem. It also applies like any other Sudocrem I’ve ever used. Something I love about the application of this product is the fact that a little goes a long way. I’m not a fan of products that only work if you layer it onto your skin, that’s why this product is already one of my favourites!
Ok so, after realising a little goes a long way and I’d already squeezed out half the freaking tube!!! Lol just kidding but it was near enough. I began applying it to my face. Instead of rubbing it in, I kind of spread it out repeatedly till it spread evenly on my face. The good thing about this Skin Care Cream is that it can be used as a mask as well as a cream. In order for it to be a proper face mask I would’ve had to use more of it.
I specifically used the product along where I wear my glasses on my face as well as on extremely sensitive spots I have recently been breaking out in. How ironic that when I post a skin care routine, I break out in 28369 sensitive spots?! You know those reaaaally horrible, big, sensitive spots that hurt like mad? Yeah I had them all over my cheeks as I’ve been wearing makeup more often than usual.
But anyway, I used the product along those problematic areas after I’d cleansed my face (read my Skin Care | Product Reviews to see what cleanser I use). After that I went to bed, leaving the product on overnight. You may feel like the product sits on your skin, but it simply takes a little while to absorb/sink into the skin!
The next day, I was well and truly amazed. Usually, it takes a couple days to notice a change after using a new product. But with Sudocrem Skin Care Cream, I noticed a change literally the morning after! I’m not even just saying this to hype the product up, it seriously worked like a dream.
I specifically noticed that my sensitive spots were A LOT less sensitive and had gone down A LOT. They’d gone from being Jupiter on my face to lil peas, no lie haha. I also noticed that the redness that appears along where I wear my glasses had begun to go down as well as the little spots there. Which is good because I have been wearing my glasses a lot more and will need to wear them more often so I definitely don’t want those permanent marks/scars there.
So yeah, I noticed a big change in how my skin felt and looked. It was softer and felt more protected if that makes sense, it was not as sensitive.
When I went into college that day my friend, Molly, even commented on my skin saying it looked really good and that the line where I wear my glasses looked like it had really cleared up. Shout out to you girl!
After using this product for a few days, I have noticed a HUGE change in my skin. As I said before, my skin is less sensitive, it is soft and my spots have cleared up a whole lot! I can honestly say, I’ve never used a product that has worked as well and as quick as this has. I recommend it 100% to anyone who has problematic skin. Whether that be sensitive, dry, oily or combination – it works a dream for my combination skin and I guarantee it will work really well for more people.
The product comes in a small 30mg tube which is so useful and handy in the fact that it’s a really good travel size and not a huge tub or anything that’s difficult to store in your house or bag. Sudocrem Skin Care Cream is also really cheap! I feel like sometimes people think that cheap products aren’t going to work as well as high end products. That may be true, I don’t know a huge deal on high end products and I imagine they do work like a dream but a lot of drug store products are also imagine, such as this one! This product is near enough available from everywhere, especially places such as Boots and Superdrug!
So that’s it for my Sudocrem Skin Care Cream review! I 110% recommend this product to anyone if they feel like they need something to help repair and soothe their skin!
I hope you enjoyed reading this!
Thank You to Miriam from Satellite PR for sending me this product, I will definitely buy a whole lot more whenever this runs out haha!
If you do happen to try this product out, let me know on any of my social media or in the comments below how it worked out for you or even if it didn’t!
Thanks for reading!

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