ASOS Wish List #1

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Since blogging, I've seen tons of blog posts that are wish lists and only now have I decided I might as well make one of my own. I wasn't really too sure of the whole concept of them at first, but when I realised how much stuff was in my ASOS wish list I thought eh why not?! These aren't necessarily clothes that are mega expensive, just clothes/items I've seen, like and don't have lol. I feel like I'm someone who loves fashion and beauty but because of my own insecurities I tend to go with safe options or whatever I'm most comfortable with - whether that be down to the makeup I wear or the hoodies I hide under. So these clothes/items may not be your taste, but they're mine and they might even interest other people who either don't tend to shop on ASOS or who also have struggles when it comes to what they want to wear etc. I don't know if this makes sense but I really hope it does haha.
So here's a simple blog post with a few screenshots of clothes that I'm really into!

Okay so they're just a few things I liked when I was looking on ASOS through different categories. There isn't any specific order, they're just items I wouldn't mind having in wardrobe haha. I might start doing wish lists according to events or seasons (e.g. party clothes or summer clothes). I feel like wish lists are nice little posts that don't necessarily require loads of reading (unless you're reading mine when I babble on and on and on lol) and enable you to get a sense of what the bloggers style is like, what clothes/items they're into, that kinda thing.
Anyway, thanks for checking this lil blog post - I really hope to write up some better blog posts soon! College has just been really demanding lately and I've had to put that before everything. I also work so I'm just finding time to prioritise different things in my life. 
Let me know (in the comments or on Twitter) some of your favourite items on ASOS or any websites you're keen on buying clothes from!
Thanks for reading!

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