Nose Piercing Update #1

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

For the longest time I've wanted to get my nose pierced and FINALLY a month ago I got it done! I thought, what better way to give people more information about it than write a blogpost haha. I know that before I got mine done I would watch tons of videos about getting it done just to know more about it. Most people had different experiences, different after care routines and different thoughts once they had it done. But this blog post is just my 1 month update on how it's been so far and how I like it!
For starters, I absolutely LOVE it! I honestly couldn't be happier that I got it done and don't regret it at all!
The place I got it done is calls 'Body Craft' in Nottingham. It's a really nice place and the woman who pierced my nose was really lovely. Before I got it done I had to show my ID to show I was 16 or over, then fill out a couple forms to basically confirm that I knew I was doing and giving me more information.
Skipping past the waiting and anxiousness.
It was literally over in less than 5 minutes. The woman asked if I wanted a ball or diamond - I got diamond because the ball didn't look as nice as the diamond in my opinion. I also got it done with a needle, not a gun. I didn't have a choice but I didn't really mind in all honesty. The only pain I felt was when the needle was in my nose which was less than 20 seconds for sure, once it was out it was absolutely fine.  My eye did water like absolutely CRAZY, not because of pain but because your sinuses are connected and all that right!?

Thankfully I was given some information from the woman about how to look after the piercing after and what to not do and do. I searched so many videos on YouTube about how to look after it, what's the best thing to prevent the lump that sometimes forms around the piercing, infections, all that stuff. Honestly, I over thought the majority of it all (which isn't very surprising when it comes to me).
The solution I used to clean my piercing twice a day is:
300ml hot/boiling water and 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt.
Obviously with the solution I let it cool down to a warm temperature rather than scorching my skin off. I only did this twice a day for about 2-3 weeks, cleaning it more than twice a day can often lead to it drying up quite a lot. Especially because you can't really moisturise the area that well due to not being able to get anything into the piercing.
On the information I was given, it said it could take up to 6 months to heal. I'm not 100% whether you just had to clean it twice everyday for the first month or so, or for the whole 6 months. But I stopped cleaning it twice a day around the one month mark. Partially because when I got home from work at 10pm it hardly crossed my mind to pop the kettle on haha. But I do still thoroughly clean it probably 2-4 times a week. I know it's a major decrease from twice a day but I noticed the skin around my skin was really really dry! Even now the skin looks a lot better - but I highly recommend you do clean it twice a day when you first get it pierced/the first few weeks!
I haven't faced any problems with my piercing so far (touch wood I don't hahah). Which I'm really happy considering the amount of videos I watched where people had bad piercing experiences!
Overall I'm really really happy I got it done as it's something I've wanted done for years! If you're thinking of getting it done, I do recommend doing your research rather than jumping straight into it - but that's just my advice lol.
I'm also going to do a blog post at the 2 month mark of my piercing. So I'll be able to update you with any problems or any changes in that time period!
I hope you enjoyed this post and its helped you with whether or not you want to get your nose pierced!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. I got my nose pierced just over three years ago and I still love it! I've only ever worn a diamond crystal, think it is so pretty.

    1. The diamond crystals are so pretty, they're so simple yet really really pretty! I love them! I hope I manage to keep mine in for that long haha, how did after care go with yours?? X


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