Beauty Bargains | Lipsticks Under £5

Thursday, March 03, 2016

As you already know (well most likely if you know who I am or have read my ‘About’ page) I am only 16 and in a part time job which means although I’m earning money I don’t have loads money to spend on mega expensive things I may want. In all honesty, I don’t particularly always want the most expensive things, especially makeup. I mean, it would be nice to own high end makeup but for someone who is only just getting really interested in wearing my own makeup, it isn’t really practical to spend a lot of money on foundation or bronzer. Not saying it’s bad, of course it isn’t, but in my case, if I get more interested in makeup I may consider investing in high end makeup. But for now, drugstore makeup is my best friend haha.
Anyway, back to what the blog post is actually about.
I am gradually falling in love with lipsticks. I’ve always really like them to be honest and always wanted to wear it but I always felt like personally on me, it looked too much. But now I’m a little older and embracing myself for who I am, I’m more open to trying new things and as weird and such a small thing as it may sound, that involves wearing lipstick on a ‘every other day’ basis.
Personally, I love the shape of my lips. I feel that for my liking, they’re not too big or too small and are kinda just right for me. Therefore, I’ve found that wearing lipstick can complement them quite a bit.
I absolutely LOVE nude lipsticks, especially browns!! Lord, I am obsessed.
Which is why, I recently purchased a few lipsticks to try out these two different brands nude colours, I also bought a couple reds because why not?!
I find that with a lot of nudes, although they’re nudes, they’re not nudes. If that makes sense. Being mixed race, means that with a lot of nude lipsticks, they tend look like I’ve slavered a foundation all over my lips and just look ridiculous (on me personally, not necessarily anyone else lol). Therefore, I wanted to try out some less expensive lipsticks to try them out before investing in some more expensive ones just to see how I like them.
You may have already realised I absolutely love Makeup Revolution and MUA seen as several of my previous post are based on their products. They are definitely my go to makeup brands and I highly recommend them to anybody wanting to try out makeup that is not very expensive.
I bought 6 lipsticks altogether – 3 nude shades and 3 red shades.
These products cost £1 each! Yes! £1!! To say how cheap they are, I really do love these shades, I did find that with a couple they looked a little light or too pink so I put them on together and had a gorgeous nude shade!
So, read on to take a look at these lipsticks I tried out!

Fawn Fancy - MUA

Nude - Makeup Revolution

Shade 1 - MUA

Shade 1 - MUA

The One - Makeup Revolution

Wild Berry - MUA

There you have it, just a couple gorgeous lipsticks I picked out and decided to try. For someone who isn’t entirely found of a red lip (on myself) the 3 red shades are stunning! I especially LOVE the nude shades out of all of them though!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know in the comments below any of your favourite lipsticks – I’d definitely love to try some out!
Also let me know if you’re liking the beauty posts on my blog.. I love doing them and really hope you like reading them!
Thanks for reading!

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