8 Back to College/School Tips

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Every year, September brings the dread and somewhat excitement of starting back to school. In some cases, you might be excited to go back and see your friends, get back into a routine and have something to focus on. Or, you straight up hate the early mornings and studying and just not want to go back altogether. Me? I’m a bit of both. I love to have a little bit of routine and see my friends more often and just know I’m those few steps closer to uni every day. But at the same time, waking up at 6:30am is a ball ache and a half especially in the winter when it’s STILL DARK and I’m in lesson at 9am.
Every year I try and be really organised and have everything under control, do my homework as soon as I get it and study in my frees – this usually lasts a week or two at most then I get stressed and want to drop out. Only kidding, but really I don’t stay organised for long. But this year I’m going to try and be different. I’m going to make my everyday lifestyle better so that I can interpret it into my college life. If that makes no sense, I’m basically going to try and be healthier, happier and just be in a better place so that I maybe don’t stress about college as much.
So I’ve also decided to put any tips that I’m going to live by into a little blog post as something I can refer back to as well as anyone else who struggles with back to school stress. Hopefully some or all of these help you and if not, different things help different people – go by whatever helps you best!
If you’d like some back to school tips, just carry on reading!

↠ Sleep  
Sleep is honestly so so important and is something I definitely need to get better at. I’m stuck between loving sleep when I have to wake up and staying up on YouTube at 1am in the morning. I believe it’s around 8-9 hours of sleep you should get a night and is at least what you should aim for. For me, I know that if I EVER go to sleep after 11pm I can’t wake up for shit in the morning. Sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels, sleep allows your body to rest and ultimately have more energy the next day. Sleep also sharpens your attention – which means, in those boring lessons when your teacher is droning on and on, you’ll be awake (depending on how boring they are) and not dosing off. I can say dosing off in lesson has happened a lot of times for me because I just want to stay up at night. Another problem may be working late if you have a part time job. If this is the case, speak to your managers and tell them your availability. Fair enough, you’re earning money but just try and pick up more hours on the weekend opposed to letting yourself become more and more sleep deprived with long days at college and school. Your health is what matters the most.

↠ Drink water
Is it just me or does anybody else feel so much better when they drink more water? I’ve grown to love water rather than fizzy drinks over the last few months and it makes me feel insanely healthier and better. Not only is it healthier for your body, it also helps a ton when it comes to acne. As teenagers, we’re all prone to acne aka planets growing on our faces. Whether they’re caused by stress, bad dieting or you’re just someone who has acne, water will definitely help get your skin get into better condition. Even if it doesn’t help much, it should do at least a little! Water will keep you hydrated throughout the day without harming your teeth or providing too much energy. If you find water boring, add some fruit like strawberries or lemon, this will give you a detox water that will help flush your body of impurities and is pretty healthy for you!

↠ Planner
If you have a planner, I guarantee you will feel a lot more organised even if you aren’t haha. I recently brought one from Typo.com and I am absolutely in love with it (the diary in the left of the photo) not only is it pretty but it also has everything in it that a 17-year-old needs to stay organised. I’ve wrote my timetable for college down in it, there’s room for study notes, contacts, a map and enough room on each date to write whatever you need. I write down my shifts at work, to driving lessons, concerts and open days I’m going to. It just allows me to have something to look at and see everything I have on rather than keeping it all stored in my head, stressing me out even more! I also have a calendar hung up in my room that I can quickly look at and check off every day – trust me, it will make your life more organised and less stressful.

↠ Breakfast
I’m sure you’ve heard time and time again about breakfast being the most important meal of the day and although it may not be your favourite, it is pretty important. It will give you energy for the day and ultimately put you in a better, more ready mood for whatever you face throughout the day. Also, it means you won’t have that embarrassing moment in first period where you remember you haven’t eaten and your stomach rumbles louder than a volcano :)

↠ Homework
As annoying as homework or coursework is, it is really important to get it done. Not only will it mean your teacher won’t have a go at you, it essentially is there to help you learn more and do extra work out of lesson for your benefit. Something I need to work on is doing homework as soon as I get it rather than leaving it till the night before it’s due and stressing like mad.

↠ Free Periods
I had soo many free periods last year and I do as well this year, the only problem is that most of them are at the end of the day meaning I’ll just be tempted to go home at lunch. If you have a lot of frees, use them wisely. Even if that means just reading through a text book or making some notes. The time is there for you to get extra revision and work in. Fair enough, you’re not going to do this every free period, I definitely didn’t. But it is definitely something I need to use more wisely rather than sitting playing subway surfer on my phone. Or, if you’re feeling a bit stressed out and anxious about all the work you have to do, just take a breather. The free is there and you can use it to your benefit, whether that’s relaxing for doing work – whatever will help you.

↠ Talk to People
Depending on how you are as a person, try talking to people more. Fair enough, some people might hate talking to others and prefer to keep to themselves. But, if you find yourself in the position where you’re confused or just need someone to talk to, go and do it. If it’s to do with school work, I imiagine most schools have tutors, go and talk to them, that is literally their job, they are there to help you through the school year and be there for you. Or, if you’re feeling alone and anxious, talk to your friends – plan a night together or a day at the weekend. Try not to bottle everything up to the point where you have a break down. If you’re reading this wondering who you’d have to talk to at this point or thinking you have no one, talk to me! Comment below or dm me on twitter, I’ll be more than happy to be there for anyone who feels like they’re in a place where they have no one or just need someone to listen to them.

↠ Balance
Balance is important when it comes to school, work and social life. Often or not, too much of one will stress you out. Try and find that balance between finding enough time to study and do college work, along with working shifts that won’t make you exhausted as well as being social and hanging out with your friends. Along with this, you may just need some alone time to yourself to do nothing. I know for a fact, every so often I need to just be by myself before I bite someone’s head off. During these times I’ll just read a book, listen to music, watch a film or TV show and just have plain old me time. Finding that balance will enable you to be almost content in a lot of aspects in your life.

They are just a few back to school tips that I could muster up and put into a post. I’m sure there are sooo many more that either just you or anyone can interpret into their own lives! If you have any other back to school tips, let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. The book in the picture saying 'you got this', is it a normal note book? Love reading your articles btw! X

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah it is, it's a lined notebook from Typo.com! X


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