Summer '16 Favourites

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Once again, I haven't posted anything for the WHOLE summer holidays and I'm so annoyed with myself for not doing so. I've been thinking a lot about my blog and the content I post as well as planning posts in advance. Having said that, I am going into Year 13 which means my main focus is working hard enough to get into uni next September. So, I can't always guarantee a new blog post every week but the ones I do post will be of good quality and will be posts I've put time and effort into! It feels so good to be writing again and what better way to start my blog up after months of being inactive than to write about everything I've been loving?! Actually, I'm sure there are a lot of better ways to start a blog up again but this is mine I guess, enjoy reading!

-      Mac Fix+ Setting Spray | £17.50 - This has been my holy grail for the past month or so. My friends brought this for me as a birthday present (2 months late but gotta love em’) and I’m wondering what I even did before I had it. I have insanely oily skin which means makeup tends to just fall and drip off my face, possibly TMI, but my fellow oily guys and gals will know the feeling. So previous setting sprays have been good but nowhere near as good as this. It’s a little pricey at £17.50 but it is SO worth it if you want your makeup to last long. Recently I’ve been using it as a primer and setting spray as I don’t have an actual primer and it has lasted me a good 9-hour shift; bearing in mind it’s waitressing and I’m constantly walking around the restaurant. This is definitely something I believe is worth the money as it works as both a primer and setting spray.

-   Mac Prep + Prime Skin Base Visage | £21.50 – I got this as a tester when buying a foundation pump from Mac and oh my LORD this is incredible. It creates a smooth, flawless base for your foundation and gives you such a good look afterwards. Using this with my Estee Lauder double wear and the fix+ spray, my skin is A LOT less oily than it is when I don’t use these! It is a bit pricey though at £21.50 so I haven’t purchased anymore, especially because the fix+ spray is working for me – but in the future when I have enough money I will look into buying it haha.

-    Zara Perfume; Oriental | £7.99 - I never normally go into Zara and I especially didn’t know they sold perfumes, but when I did a couple months back with my friends, we were pretty impressed by how nice the perfume display looked. We ended up smelling a couple and I absolutely fell in love with this perfume. It’s a beautiful scent and only £7.99 – so far it’s lasted me 2 months and I still have half the bottle left.

-        Argan oil of Morocco Penetrating Oil | £7.35 – A couple weeks ago I started trying to find new products for my curly hair. My hair still tends to be really dry and frizzy, possibly even more so because of the highlights I got not long ago. After watching numerous curly hair videos on YouTube, I came to the conclusion that I’m probably not using enough products to get my hair back into good condition. I used to use argan oil before I straightened my hair but for some reason stopped. Now using it again on my curly hair it’s incredible, it makes it super soft and has helped me a lot with my dry scalp which is insanely frustrating! I mostly focus it on the ends and apply some to the front of my scalp. I also have friends who use this and don’t have curly hair so it’s definitely something worth trying for everyone!

-       Mary Lou Manizer Highlight | £17.49 – I brought this highlight a couple months back after seeing @JenessaAnnRosee uses it and her highlight is ALWAYS absolutely glowing – I had to get it. Unfortunately, because I was impatient as hell and wanted it ASAP I ordered it only instead of looking in a shop and it came all smashed up. THEN I went and took it on holiday and opened it after being on the plane and it broke even more. Other than the fact it’s in about a million pieces, it is beautiful. It’s a light gold and completes the whole makeup look. With this highlight a little goes a long way, you really don’t have to use a lot. I’ve gotten so many compliments on it and is something I’m going to continue purchasing in the future!

 -    Revolution I Heart ChocolatePalette | £7.99 – I’ve raved about the palette a lot before, from it’s amazing smell to the beautiful autumnal colours. But one colour in particular is part of my everyday makeup routine. The white shimmery colour on the bottom right is my go to for brow highlight. It is gorgeous! This is something else I’ve had compliments on before and is one of my favourite things about my makeup routine. It’s so simple yet adds once again that beautiful highlighted look to your makeup.

-      Real Techniques Beauty Blender | £5.99 – For months and months and months and months (a lot of months if it’s not obvious) I’ve seen every beauty guru and makeup artist on twitter rave about beauty blenders; but for some reason myself, I never thought to purchase one. When I finally came to my senses and bought one, it was super cheap and not good at all, but I thought it was amazing. Until that is, I bought an actual beauty blender from Real Techniques. I felt blessed when I first used this. I could not believe how soft and easy it is to use when applying my face makeup. It is 100% one of my best purchases. I used to use brushes but they started making my foundation look streaky and not good at all. Whereas the beauty blender leaves me with beautifully applied foundation and for someone who isn’t that good at makeup, that is incredible. I recommend that anyone using foundation or concealer buys a beauty blender!
Now onto some not beauty related favourites, I do have a lot of them as well haha.

-     Room by Emma Donoghue – I’m someone who absolutely LOVES reading more than anything and the fact that I read this book in 6 hours proves that. I visited my nan earlier in the summer and she has a huge book collection that I couldn’t help but look through, it’s safe to say that I left with a book or five haha. She told me to take a look at this because she herself couldn’t put it down once she started. It’s a book that gets you completely hooked. You feel one hundred different emotions when reading Room. Love. Hate. Disgust. Anger. Happiness. Sadness. You can’t comprehend that events similar to those of this book have actually happened to people. You see the characters develop and live their life the way they do. During the time they’re in room as well as after. I won’t give too much away but if you enjoy reading stories that will have you crying multiple times throughout, this is definitely the one for you.

-     Pineapple & Ginger Candles – On a little trip into town, my friends and I went into Primark when I found these candles- that’s a lie, I’m pretty sure Molly saw them and I fell in love. They smell just like Pina coladas (forgive me if I spelt that wrong) which just gives my room more of a summer vibe. I mean, people don’t really light candles in the summer but there’s definitely an exception for this one. They’re only tea lights as well so they don’t exactly make you feel like you’re in a sauna. Just a nice little something for your room.

-    Typo Notebook & Planner – I only got these recently but oh how I’m in love with them already. From the patterns on the front to the way the pages are laid out. I feel like such a stationery freak when it comes to going back to school and just couldn’t help myself when I saw these online. I had to have them. They came really quick in the post and very really inexpensive – the planner being £6 and the notebook £3.50 – I think there was a sale on the notebook but still pretty cheap. These are going to help so much with keeping track of my hours at work and anything I have on in my almost non-existent social life. There’s also room for my college timetable and space next to the dates to write any assignments I have or coursework. With these I feel like I’ll have my life somewhat on track during my second year of A levels haha.

-   New Look Backpack – I recently went on holiday to Amsterdam and realised that I was going to be walking a lot and so didn’t really want to be carry my hand bag on my arm all day. So I invested in an adorable back pack from New Look. It was around £15-£20 and is something I’m still using even when I’m not on holiday. The design is really nice to look at and it’s very lightweight, but the only downside is the fact that there are no inside pockets and the inside of the bag has some kind of black stuff that seems to come off on everything haha. To solve the pocket problem, I just have a cute makeup bag from Primark that I use, really inexpensive and I put any smaller things in there so I don’t use them as easy. I’ll definitely start using a back pack for college whether it’s this one or a different one, I feel like it will be so much easier to carry folders and books in one than a handbag.

-    Facial Brush Cleanser – I’ve been trying for so long to get my skin into better condition, it’s been trial and error with a lot of products. But one thing that has helped a lot is my facial cleansing brush, I won’t put the specific make because I dropped it once and it broke so this make isn’t good, it’s the brush itself that you can get from many other places. I basically use this with an exfoliating wash after taking my makeup off. The brush allows me to get any makeup off my face that the face wipe didn’t get. I honestly don’t know what I did before this because there’s so much makeup that a wipe or your hands can’t get to and is often the reason for bad skin and break outs. If you wear makeup a lot and suffer from break outs, I recommend getting one of these as even the brush without the spinning motion works perfectly for me. Like I said, mine broke and doesn’t spin but I still use it by brushing it in circular motions on my face. I’m going to be doing an updated skin care routine soon targeted at dark spots so that will go into a lot more detail!
I thought I’d add a list of my recently played music to this Summer Sixteen favourites. 99% of the time I’m listening to music, whether I’m on the way to work or just relaxing at home. So here are some songs I’ve listened to the most.

So they're just a few of my favourites from the past couple of months - let me know in the comments below anything that you've been loving and any recommendations you have!
Thank you for reading!

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