The Body Shop Favourites

Monday, May 08, 2017

The Body Shop Favourites

As you may know, if you’ve read my previous blog posts, I am obsessed with skin care and trying out new products. Discovering what works best for my skin has been a long process; going through spells of not even wanting to leave the house, to leaving the house and making plans just because my skin looks amazing and I want to show it off. I still have my bad skin days, when I’m eating bad and not drinking enough water; when times are like this, no matter what product I use, my skin is just not good.
However, trial and error means I’ve been getting closer and closer to finding a perfect skin care routine. Although, part of me wonders is the perfect skin care routine even real? What works well on my skin can vary month after month. My skin tends to get used to products when I use them for a long time, which is also why I try and switch it up now and again, adding and removing certain products from my skin care routine.
A few weeks ago, I noticed that my skin was really red around my cheeks and chin, I purchased a really good green colour corrector but realised, I wanted to actually help the problem rather than covering it up. I searched and searched online for ways to treat redness that wouldn’t affect and irritate my acne too much. In the end I decided to go to The Body Shop as I wanted to purchase some other skin care products as well.
Anyone who doesn’t know what The Body Shop is, it’s a UK based shop that make naturally-inspired beauty products, including; makeup, skin care, fragrances, body wash etc. I’ve never used anything much from The Body Shop, just a lip balm (which still, I’m obsessed with), up until about a month ago. I went in and was helped by a lovely woman (who’s name I didn’t catch), I told her that I wanted to deal with the redness on my face, but also fade acne scars. She recommended the tea tree line which I had previously been eyeing up, due to how well my skin has reacted to tea tree oil in the past. She suggested I get the morning and night time lotions as they would help fade my acne scars as well as help the redness go down…
After purchasing both the morning and night lotion, I decided to give it a few weeks before writing a blog post on them to see how my skin truly reacted. Here’s how I got on…

Just for some context, my skin is mostly oily but can be quite dry, it is acne prone, redness and I have a lot of acne scarring.
This was before I started using the tea tree morning and night lotion. My acne scars were a lot more prominent and noticeable as well as my skin feeling/being quite uneven and dull.

Compared to after I started my skin care regime of using African Black Soap to wash my face, toner and the Tea Tree morning and night lotion.

My skin is noticeably better, not only does it feel and look better to myself but my friends have also commented on how much healthier my skin looks. I usually apply the mattifying lotion every morning or right before I start my makeup, I find that regardless of using primer, my makeup can stick to dry parts of my face like my forehead and under eyes. However, when I use the moisturiser and my Makeup Forever primer, my skin looks incredible! 
Despite having spots here and there, my skin will look a lot more even and hydrated. I used to be so afraid to wear moisturiser underneath makeup but this moisturiser helps to hydrate my skin, although still keeping it matte and get rid of redness I previously had. This means, regardless of whether or not I wear makeup, the redness is no longer visible and prominent on my face and I feel a lot more confident not wearing makeup.
The Tea Tree Mattifying Lotion (£9.50); is a lightweight daytime moisturiser suitable for blemished skin. Infused with organic pure tea tree oil, this easily absorbed lotion provides hydration, without clogging the pores or leaving skin feeling greasy.
·      -  Lightweight daytime moisturiser for blemished skin
·     -   With purifying tea tree oil grown in the foothills of Mount Kenya
·     -  Moisturises blemished skin daily
·     -   Easily absorbed, no greasy after feel
·     -  Instantly mattifying

In terms of the night lotion, I’ll apply this after washing my face with African Black Soap and using a toner. The night time moisturiser feels so refreshing on my face, rather than feeling heavy and like it’s clogging my pores up. It’s slightly heavier than the morning lotion but still light enough to not feel greasy or clogged up.
The night time lotion (£10) provides: light hydration for blemished skin throughout the night, whilst controlling excess oil and sebum. Infused with organic pure tea tree oil, this lotion will help to keep blemished skin under control and help fade the appearance of blemishes.
·       -   Lightweight night care for blemished skin
·       -   With purifying tea tree oil grown in the foothills of Mount Kenya
·      -   Light hydration
·      -   Controls excess oil
·      -  Reduces the appearance of blemishes
(I took these descriptions straight from The Body Shop website just to give you more detail alongside my own opinion).
After realising how much my skin LOVES Body Shop products, I went back and purchased the Tea Tree body wash which has helped my body acne insane amounts, as well as helping even out the skin tone on my chest and shoulders.
Along with this, I purchased a few products from the Vitamin E line; to be more specific, I got the Vitamin E body butter (£15), Eye cube (£9.50) and hydrating toner (£7.50). The body butter helped with the dark dry skin and hyper pigmentation I have on my shoulders and neck for instance. Finding a moisturiser that has actually helped this has been so difficult, but this product is definitely one I will be purchasing again in the future. As for the eye cube and hydrating toner, I have yet to use these consistently in my skin care routine – although, the eye cube works amazingly when I apply it under my eyes before makeup. Like I said before, my makeup often sticks to my under eye area due to dry skin and product build up. The eye cube really helps to make my eyes look brighter and more awake.
Not only are all these products amazing for my skin, they’re also not badly priced to say that the quality of them is great. The body butter is the most expensive, being £15 but even then, the quality and amount you get is so worth the money.
Overall, my love for The Body Shop is continuously growing and I’m pretty sure I should be a VIP member now due to the amount of times I go in. I swear, they always have an offer on that makes me buy more and more products. Great for me, my bank account? Not so much.
I couldn’t recommend going into The Body Shop or any skin care shop and asking them about what’s best for your skin type as it can help you find specific products catered for your skin type and speed up the process of trying 2763293 products that won’t work. My skin definitely isn’t the best, but it’s come a long way and is getting there! Obviously, not everyone’s skin is the same and some people may find these products horrible; but for my skin they work a dream!
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this blog post. Let me know in the comments below some of your favourite skin care products!
Thanks for reading!

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  1. I've used products from the tea tree range as well as the vitamin e range. I swear by the vitamin e chapstick! It works so well for me. I used to use the tea tree foam face wash for the longest time but I think my skin got immune to it over time.
    I found that the tea tree oil (I think that's what it is) really helped my acne scars. But, you can also get tea tree oil from any organic store for much lesser.
    I loved reading this! So glad I found it on my twitter timeline!
    Apoorva | All Souled Out

    1. They're so good aren't they!? I'll definitely be sure to try out the chapstick and tea tree oil for my acne scars!
      Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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